Strategies to address letter and number formation and reversals.Each section includes strategies and tips to improve these underlying areas. These include developmental progression of pre-writing strokes, fine motor skills, gross motor development, sensory considerations, and visual perceptual skills. The Handwriting Book breaks down the functional skill of handwriting into developmental areas. This digital resource is is the ultimate resource for tips, strategies, suggestions, and information to support handwriting development in kids. The Handwriting Book covers everything you need to know about handwriting, guided by development and focused on function. The Handwriting Book is a comprehensive resource created by experienced pediatric OTs and PTs. If you don’t have graph paper on hand, below are resources I have found which may be helpful. I’m sure your student can think of many non-traditional things to do with it on his/her own! Graph paper is one style of cutting paper with a graded resistance we talk about in our scissor skills crash course. If nothing else, you can always use graph paper to practice cutting on the lines, creating a colored picture, making paper air planes, or crumpling into a ball to play a game. This may be a fun way to practice spelling words. Making up a “key” of words, or a game, have the student place the letters in the proper defined word space that has letter boxes outlined or maybe even just the word outlined. Lower case letters that are descending below the line, or tail letters (q, y, p, g, j) must include the box BELOW, making it also a one wide by 2 space, but the box on bottom goes below the line on which the letters are written. Upper case letters and lower case tall letters: (t, d, f, h, k, l, b) will need to include the box ON TOP to make it a one wide by a 2 tall defined space. Graph lines can be used to outline the space in which a letter sits, using one single box for lower case letters.

Your student may already be familiar with this through OT sessions. Be creative and make it fun!įinally, it would be an injustice to graph paper if I didn’t mention the use it can play in creating letter boxes for a box and dot handwriting task. This helps to follow written instructions, draw a specific shape, and locate the correct space on the graph paper. put a yellow circle in box A-1, or draw a tree at line F-7 or similar). in certain boxes or at the intersection of certain lines (e.g.

The student can also be instructed (verbally or with written cues) to draw shapes, lines, letters, etc. The one helping here must do a little homework on their own first to make sure the colored in boxes will actually create a picture. to create a picture that will mysteriously become visible at the end. If the adult/other player is creative, s/he can label the boxes with letters and numbers across the top and side edges (kind of like a BINGO board) and the student is asked to fill in box A-1, or C-3, etc. Students can also draw their own shape and try to “stump” the therapist or other player. I will draw an odd shape or maybe even a specific item and ask a student to copy my drawing by counting and using the boxes to replicate my shape. I love to use graph paper for imitating drawings. Create pencil control exercises to work on precision with pencil use.Create symmetry drawings by folding the graph paper in half.Cut shapes and trace the shape using the graph paper template.Form block letters with or without a model.

Copy shapes and designs using the grid blocks on the paper.

Graph paper can be used to address visual motor skills with these activities: In order to copy shapes, copy and write words, recreate graphs, plot lines, etc. Related to the visual perception aspect is the contribution of motor skills. Your math work just might be easier to do and it will for sure be easier to read. Graph paper is great to use for math problems! Simply place one number in each box and line them up so numbers are easily read and there’s a spot for each number in your answer. You can use grid paper to support these needs. Tasks like forming letters the correct size, using margins, aligning lists or columns are all visual perceptual areas of handwriting. Here are ideas on using graph paper to meet specific goal areas in OT or at home: Try these paper activities in occupational therapy sessions or at home.